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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The latest...

Not a lot going on here. Our weather is finally nice, which I am thankful for.
Juliana has learned to pull up, and is having fun waking up in the middle of the night, pulling up and then screaming because she cant get back down. Her nose is still like a little snot fountain, so I think she has allergies poor thing. She is also drooling like crazy so I think some more teeth are on the way. Poor thing, I don't know how babies make it through all the stuff they go thru the first year.
Madison is enjoying the weather, playing at the park and in her little pool, and eating outside whenever she can.
Rich has been off work for a week now, so that's nice. He got a big load of firewood all chopped up, so that's great. He'll do one more and that should set us up for next winter.
I haven't been doing much different LOL, other than I have been working in my garden a lot. I will post pictures once things are in bloom a bit more.
And now for some baby news...

HaHa tricked you! It's not's my cousin Ashley! She gave birth to a healthy baby boy last night, June 24th. 7lbs 3oz and 19 1/2 in (I think). We are thankful for baby Will's safe arrival.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vote for Juliana!

I entered Juliana in the Parents magazine cover model contest LOL. Come vote for her!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing really...

Nothing new here really. Our weather totally stinks. The high today was 54 degrees, and yesterday it snowed in my hometown across the state. IT IS JUNE! This is not okay. I thought we'd be playing outside every day by now, not still be cooped up in our tiny house. Oh well.
Juliana has another cold, after she just got better from the last one, so naturally that concerns me a bit, but she has her 9 month check up this Friday so that's good.
Rich's last day of work is next Wednesday, and then I will be working more after, about 7-8 shifts a month. I'm looking forward to it and I'm not. I'll miss my girls, but it's a good chance for me to get my skills and work routines back to where I feel more comfortable. My confidence is growing with each shift, but I still have some issues so I will be working on that. Luckily my co-workers are amazing and are very helpful.
Oh...and Madison has reached a milestone, I hope LOL. She has been pooping on the potty for about a week straight now. I had her watching Once upon a potty, and that seemed to really bring it all together for her. Unfortunately she is now insisting on going in the little potty, instead of the big potty, but I can live with that.
So now if we could just get some better weather, and maybe a sign regarding what to do about our housing situation that'd be great!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Doctor, Doctor....

So yesterday we made our 3rd trip to the pediatrician in 6 days. Woo hoo! NOT...
Like I said in my last post, I took Juliana in last Friday. Tuesday I decided I'd had enough of Madison's extreme crankiness (hitting and biting me we just a tad unusual for her), so I took her in. She had some spots on her tonsils and redness, so the doc did a throat culture, which Madison didn't appreciate, but she did pretty well really. The doctor said if it came back positive, we should see an ENT about getting her tonsils out (she had strep 3-4 times last winter). Fortunately the culture came back negative, and she has been behaving much better.
So...When we got home from that visit, I changed Juliana's diaper, and discovered a lovely rash covering her back and stomach. So when I said we were in the clear with allergies, I WAS WRONG. And I had just been at the doctor! So I waited until the next day to call (and just for anyone reading this, I waited because I'm a nurse, any other time I would recommend calling your doctor right away). Of course she wanted to see her, and said yep it's an allergy to the amoxicillin. It's now been 2 1/2 days since she had the last dose and she still has the rash. Fortunately it doesnt seem to bother her. I'm just glad it wasn't a worse reaction.
On a side note, Juliana had egg yolk (hard boiled) for the first time tonight and she loved it. Smeared it all up in her hair too but hey that's ok!

Monday, June 2, 2008

She's on the move...

Juliana has started to crawl! Well she has been for a week now, I'm just a little behind here! It's funny to watch, because it isn't really crawling on all fours, its more like she gets on all fours and then pushes off with one leg. She moves quick though, and of course is attracted to anything dangerous, especially electrical cords. She loves Mr. Potato Head, it keeps her busy for a good while - chewing on it that is! She is trying to pull up on things, but unfortunately there isnt really anything good for her to pull up on. She keeps trying to pull up on Madison's little chair, which will fall on her if I'm not watching, or the ottoman which obviously moves. I can't remember what Madison learned to pull up on, I'll have to go back through her journal and see.

Lets see...what else...Oh, Juliana and Madison have both had a nasty cold. Runny nose and coughing poor things. I ended up taking Juliana to the doctor last Friday because she was pulling on her ear. Now she's taking an antibiotic, which I was nervous about because it's one that Madison and I are both allergic to, but so far so good.
Juliana said dada last week, of course I spend all these months nursing her, rocking her, taking care of her and she says DADA! What's up with that?
Madison has been awful lately, truly testing her dad and I. I don't know if she has something more going on than the cold (which seems to be gone), or if it's just that she's approaching 3, but WOW. She had a screaming fit this morning because I wouldn't put her pants on her, which she has been doing for months...And it continues on like that...LOL Oh well

On a different note, we will not be building a house this summer. It will be next summer at the earliest which really, well it sucks. Turns out to subdivide the property we are buying will take at least 6 months. So we will not even have this property in our name until at least December. If at all...there were other issues mentioned, like possibly having to hook up to a city sewer line (which would be hugely expensive and not possible for us to do). So we will see what happens. If we cannot build here, then we will be looking for a house to buy starting at the end of the summer. So that's that.